Sparkrock 365 Finance and Procurement Winter Release Notes

Modified on Sat, 20 Jul at 10:37 AM

Finance and Procurement Feature Comparison Chart

The following table outlines the many improvements to the Finance and Procurement application.

Feature / Functional Area Sparkrock
Role Centers
Accounting Manager
Purchasing Agent
Accounts Payable Coordinator
Account Receivable Coordinator
Department Manager
Security Administrator
Accounts Payable Sparkrock
A/P Batches
Fixed Asset No.
Get PO Lines
Purchase Invoicing
Tax Rounding
Payment Journals
Electronic File Transfer (EFT)
Printing Checks
Vendor T4As
Misc. Vendors
Get Receipt Lines (4 options)
Vendor Certifications
Accounts Receivable Sparkrock
Sales Invoicing
Word Layout
Customer Statement
Asset Management Sparkrock
Fixed Assets
Depreciation Calculations
Budget Management Sparkrock
Budget Structure and Creation
Budget Journals
Budget Journals Attachments
Budget Journals Workflows
Budget Checking (Purchase Documents) X
Budget Journal Imports
Over-budget Approvals Planned
Cash Management Sparkrock
Cash Receipting (Sparkrock Functionality)
Deposit Tax Receipting
Bank Reconciliation
Import Bank Statement
Import Cleared Checks
Donor Management Sparkrock
Donor Management Discontinued
Expense Claims Sparkrock
Expense Claims Entry (mySparkrock) Planned
Finance Approval (mySparkrock) X
Finance Approval (Core Product) X Planned
Expense Claims Processing to Accounts Payable Planned
Finance and Procurement Integrations Sparkrock
eBASE Work Order Management Integration Planned
Financial Analysis Sparkrock
Data Sets
Attach Data Sets to mySparkrock User Profile X
Financial Analysis (mySparkrock) X
Financial Analysis (Core Product) X Planned
General Ledger Sparkrock
Chart of Accounts and Dimensions
Dimension Validation
Reporting Dimensions Discontinued
General Journal
Recurring General Journal
Fund Accounting
Standard Reporting
Inventory Management Sparkrock
K12 Reporting Package Sparkrock
K12 Reporting Package (Finance) Planned
Payment Requests Sparkrock
Payment Request Entry (mySparkrock) X
Payment Request Entry (Core Product) X
Finance Approval (mySparkrock) X
Finance Approval (Core Product) X
Payment Requests Processing to Accounts Payable
Project and Grant Accounting Sparkrock
Project and Grant Accounting
Purchasing Sparkrock
Budget Commitments
Charts X
Commitments and Dates Update Reports
Number Series Setup
Purchaser Code Filter
Purchase Orders
Purchase Requisitions
Print Layouts (Word and RDLC)
Order Address list page
Receiving (Back Office)
Requisition Management Sparkrock
Aplication Area Management X
Department Manager Role Center X
Requisition Setup Expense Types
Requisition Entry (mySparkrock) X
Requisition Entry (Core Product) X
Finance Approval (mySparkrock) X
Finance Approval (Core Product) X
Requisitions Processing to Purchase Orders
Requisitions Processing to Quotes Planned
Email Reminders Planned
Requisition History Planned
Requisition Date Tracking X
Online Receipts
Budget Checking Visibility Options Planned
Open Related Documents from Budget Checking Details Planned
Dimension Cascading from list of Account Sets Planned
View Purchase Orders (mySparkrock) X
View Purchase Orders (Core Product) X
Online Receiving (mySparkrock) X
Purchase Receiving (Core Product) X
View Purchase Invoices (mySparkrock) X
View Purchase Invoices (Core Product) X
Upgrade Toolkit (Sparkrock 2016 to Sparkrock 365) Sparkrock
Upgrade Toolkit X

Role Centers

Department Manager Role Center

  • The Department Manager role center has been added to Sparkrock 365. Use this role center to create templates, add requisitions, view purchase orders and approve. (7403)

Security Administrator Role Center

  • The Security Administrator role center has been added where administrators can setup users, user security and approvals for Finance and Procurement. (7303)

Accounting Manager

  • A link to the Dimension Validation Setup page has been added to the Accounting Manager role center. (6992)

Accounts Payable

Fixed Asset No.

  • Users are now able to type part of the fixed asset no. on the purchase order, purchase invoice, and purchase credit memo lines and have the list filtered by the entered value. (8584)

Get PO Lines

  • The Receipt Date is now visible on Get PO Lines. This date enables you to specify the receipt date instead of using the work date as default. (8050)

Purchase Invoice Line Import

  • The Purchase Invoice Line Import from Excel has been improved tomauto-populate the G/L Account No. from the Account Set code when mapped to a G/L Account.
  • The Tax Area Code and Tax Group Code fields were added to the import file. (6942)
  • See Purchase Invoice Lines Import File for more information.

Data Exchange Definition

  • We have added fields to Data Exchange Definition to support Originator Long Name and Remittance No on EFT files. We also logic used to determine how the File Creation number is assigned to the footer record. (8552)
  • A new data exchange definition template for Scotiabank is available for download on the Knowledge Base.

Accounts Receivable

Asset Management

Budget Management

Budget Checking (Purchase Documents)

  • You can now configure and enable budget checking for purchase requisitions, purchase orders and purchase invoices. You can choose per document type if an over-budget situation should result in a warning or error. (6699)
  • Users can now see remaining amount in LCY on Purchase Order lines that is calculated based on the quantity - quantity invoiced - quantity on purchase invoice. (6704)
  • For more information, see Setting up and Managing Budget Checking.

Cash Management

Import Bank Statement

  • The Import Bank Statement option currently available only through the Bank Reconciliation page has been added to:
    • be accessible through Tell Me.
    • The Accounting Manger Role Center under the Bank group.
    • The Accounts Payable Coordinator role center under Reports.
    • 6995

    Donor Management

    Expense Claims

    Finance and Procurement Integrations

    Financial Analysis

    General Ledger

    Intercompany General Journal

    • Amount (LCY) has been added to the Intercompany General Journal. (7582)
    • Account Sets are now supported on the Intercompany General Journal. (7584)

    Account Set support on Recurring Journal Allocations

    • Recurring General Journal Allocations now support account sets. When validation is enabled for Recurring Journals and allocations are configured, the allocations will be validated as well against the existing account sets. (6023)

    Chart of Accounts: Calculation of pre-commitments and commitments

    • The pre-commitment column now shows the total of purchase requisitions, payment requests and expense claim lines where the document is with status Pending Approval or Approved. The total is in local currency and includes tax expense.
    • The commitment column now shows the total of the Remaining Amount (Incl. Tax Expense) from the purchase orders, purchase invoices and purchase credit memo lines in local currency.
    • The Current Accounting Period field has been added to the General Ledger Setup page. The fiscal year selected in this field is used to filter the date range for calculations on the chart of accounts and account set analysis. If the value is left blank no filter will be applied.

    Inventory Management

    K12 Reporting Package

    Payment Requests

    • Payment Requests are now supported with this release. The user interface has been delivered through the core product. For more information and feature enhancements, please refer to the Requisition Manager section of this document.

    Project and Grant Accounting

    • Project and Grant Accounting is now supported with this release.


    Budget Commitments

    • The existing Budget Commitments page has been renamed to Purchase Commitments to avoid conflicts with terminology between purchase commitments and reports headings. (7264)


    • The Top Five Vendors by Purchase Value and Top Ten Vendors by Purchase Value have been added to the Accounting Manager, Accounts Payable Coordinator and Purchasing Agent Role Centers. The charts are calculated based on Vendor Ledger Entry Purchase (LCY). The chart is updated every 12 hours. (8143)
    • The On Hold Requisitions by Purchaser chart has been added to the Purchasing Agent role center. (8152)
    • The Approved Requisitions by Purchaser chart has been addedto display those purchase requisitions with the Approved by Purchaser Code status. (8153)

    Vendor Certifications No. Series Setup

    • The number series setup for Vendor Certifications has been moved from the Contract Management page to the Purchase & Payable Setup page. (7408)

    Order Address List Page

    • The Order Address list page now shows more fields that can help more easily identify the address to be selected. (6992)

    Purchase Orders

    • Users can now search for a purchase order based on the Purchase Requisition No. they are linked to from the Purchase Order List. (7975)

    Order Address List Page

    • The Order Address list page now shows more fields that can help more easily identify the address to be selected. (6992)

    Purchase Orders

    • Users can now search for a purchase order based on the Purchase Requisition No. they are linked to from the Purchase Order List. (7975)

    Purchaser Code Filter on Purchase Requisitions

    • We have added two new settings on the mySparkrock User Setup page that allow administrators to specify if that user should have a restricted view of purchase requsitions by Purchaser Code for that user. When the setting is on, a purchasing user can see only documents where they are a purchaser on a line. On creating a new document the purchaser code for that user will default on that line as this user will not be able to select another purchaser or view the new line(s). (8039)

    Purchase Order attachments transferred to archive

    • Purchasers cannot change the vendor on approved purchase requisitions. (6683)

    Closing Purchase Requisition

    • Purchasing can now close a single requisition from the requisition card page when the document status is Completed or Cancelled.

    Discontinued Features

    • The Request Inbox pages has been discontinued and has been replaced with individual pages per document type.

    Requisition Management

    Purchase Requisitions, Payment Requests, Purchase Orders, Archived Purchase Orders, Purchase Receiving, Posted Purchase Invoices and Posted Credit Memos are now available in the core product through Department Manager role center.

    Purchase Requisitions

    User Management and Security

    Employees and Managers can now enter, edit, view and approve purchase requisitions from the Department Manager role center. The user interface and security for employees and managers on Department Manager role center is controlled through the following functional areas:

    • User License.
    • Permission Sets that specify access to table and page accessibility within the user license.
    • Application area management that specifies access to specific functional areas.
    • mySparkrock User Setup and mySparkrock User Profile that specify filters for accessing documents based on the date entered on the document header and lines.

    General Configuration Options

    With this release a number of configuration options has been added or moved:

    • The settings that were available on the EWA Setup page in Sparkrock 2016 are not available through the Purchase & Payable Setup page.
    • You can now configure separate no. series for requisitions and payment requests on the Purchase & Payable Setup page. A separate no. series has been designated for templates.
    • Delegates functionality has been renamed to "Alternates". (7838)
    • Account Set Validation is moved to the Dimension Validation Setup page.
    • Budget Checking settings have moved to the Budget Checking Setup page.
    • The Disable Delete and Disable Edit settings previously available on Employee Center Pages page are not controlled through permission sets.

    Document Statuses

    We have changed the way the statuses work on purchase requisition header and lines.

    • Private and Public Templates were removed as a status
    • The line status has been renamed to Purchase Status and the list of options are as follows:
      • Blank for document status Open, Pending Approval and Approved.
      • Blank for document status Open, Pending Approval and Approved.
      • Created when a line has been transferred to Item Journal, Purchase Order or Purchase Invoice.
      • Cancel if the line was cancelled or the document was cancelled.

    Print Layouts and Email Body Text

    • The print layouts are now available as Word Layout reports that are designated on Report Selection – Additional.
    • The Word layouts can be modified and added as email body text that meet your company’s requirements.


    • External and Internal comments may be up to 2048 characters long.
    • A line type comment has been added to support comments within the document.

    New Vendor Requests

    • New vendor requests are entered as contacts and can be used in multiple documents.
    • On linking the contact to a new vendor or creating a new vendor, all requisition lines are updated with the vendor.


    • Attachments and Incoming Documents from requisitions are transferred to Purchase Order when the Attachments Flow to Orders slider on the Purchase & Payable Setup page is turned on.
    • Attachments and Incoming Documents from payment requests are transferred to purchase invoice.


    • Private and Public Templates have been removed as a status from the Purchase Requisition Header. A new Template Type field has been added to track if the document is template or not and what type of template it is. Administrators should setup a new No. Series for templates on the Purchase & Payable Setup page. (7240)

    Requisition Date Tracking

    • Purchasing can now track on a requisition the date the request was created, when the approval request has been sent and the date of the final approval of the document. (7874)


    • The approval settings are now allowing filtering by G/L Account, PR Type and Expense Category as well as dimension values. Dimension values can be grouped for approval. Approvals can be added to either individual employees or to an approval group which can be individual employees, HR Class or HR Position.

    Approval Maintenance

    • Where-used feature is showing where a mySparkrock User is setup as an approver.
    • A user can be replaced with another user using the replace process and this can be specified as at date.
    • A tile on the Security Administrator role center shows a list of inactive approvers.

    Postponed features

    In additions to the features indicated as planned in the comparison chart above, the following items are planned to be released in a future release:

    • Email support for requisition data entry Alternates (previously "Delegates").
    • Links are not copied from requisitions and payment requests to purchase orders and purchase invoices respectively.

    Discontinued Sparkrock 2016 Features

    The following Sparkrock 2106 features have been discontinued in Sparkrock 365:

    • User-defined captions for Expense Types and Items in the core product (previously an Employee Center feature).
    • User-defined captions for the columns in budget checking details in core product (previously an Employee Center feature).
    • Previously requested items for Item, Expense Type, and Vendor lists (previously an Employee Center feature).
    • Disable Email from EWA Pages that prevents sending emails for Requisitions and Payment Requests.
    • The Validate PO Approvals feature (configurable through the EWA Setup page.)
    • The Control PO Edits feature (configurable through the EWA Setup page.)
    • Delegation: the ability to only edit date and time and functional area for delegation.

    View Purchase Orders

    • Employees can now see a list of Purchase Orders and Archived Purchase Orders from the Department Manager role center.
    • The Mine filter on Purchase Orders (previously an Employee Center feature) has been replaced with the ability to search by Requisition No. and Requester.
    • The purchase order print view available through the Department Manager role center is a different Word Layout report (Report ID 23020144) from the report used by Purchasing. The Report ID is configured in Report Selection – Additional.

    Purchase Receiving

    The Online Receiving previously available in Employee Center is now replaced with Purchase Receiving accessible through the Department Manager role center in core product. The new user interface comes with some additional features and updates:

    • The purchase receiving is a now a separate list that displays only a list of orders that are released and have quantity to be received.
    • The Purchase Receiving list can be filtered by Requisition No. or Requester.
    • The default quantity to receive is driven by the Default Qty. to Receive setting on the Purchase & Payable Setup page.
    • Sparkrock 365 users and Full Users have the option to directly post the receipt once the quantity to be received has been updated.
    • Sparkrock Cloud Manager Users can enter quantity to be received and indicate that a receipt is ready for posting. Purchasing then sees a list of receipts ready for processing. Only once request for receiving can be active at a time.

    View Posted Purchase Invoices and Posted Credit Memos

    • Employees can now see a list of posted Purchase Invoices and Posted Credit Memos from the Department Manager role center.
    • Excluding attachments with the Confidential flag from being viewed is controlled by permission sets.


    Vendors, Expense Types, Items and Account Sets

    Employees can now see lists of Vendors, Expense Types, Items and Account Sets to which they have access.


    Employees can view available charts in the Business Assistance section of the Department Manager role center.

    Upgrade Toolkit

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